Artist Statement

Bodybuilding is everything! As a Japanese-Brazilian writer and performer, it is always the constructions, narratives and visions of the body that come as my central subject matter. 

Living in Brazil, a country where the human body (its colours, shapes and sexualities) has always been a great issue in social and political life, with both violent and revolutionary consequences, writing is a matter of building and testing my own body and challenging its limits. Everything starts from this corpo-reality. This is what inspires me. 

The art of writing, whether in literature or in theater, enables us not only to describe and narrate the world, but to elaborate a specific perspective and, in doing so, to create new possible ways of living, negotiating what our body will be in relation with others. 

The performative aesthetics is the test itself: to bring the narrative into the body realness by a shared and live act of speech. 

When the writing practice converges with the performative aesthetics, the perfect medium is created in order to express this bodybuilding literary style. Possibilities of telling our own stories emerge. 

I generally use pen and paper, voice memos and other people’s bodies — their stories, their thoughts and feelings. I then start moving, dancing, performing acts of interactions and creating what in Brazil we call “performative programs”. 

Lately, I’ve been sharing my processes and creating scenic works in collaboration with my boyfriend, a transgender performer and director. We’ve launched the play Not she, and now, we are in the process of making the play He, both being part of a diptych performative scenic piece of work.